Enhancing Engagement with Learning Management Systems | CBIZ

How to Enhance Employee Engagement with Learning Management Systems

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Did you know that nearly three-quarters of the U.S. workforce are not engaged? These findings, uncovered in a recent survey conducted by Gallup, are prompting employers to look for innovative ways to engage their employees.

Investing in learning and development (L&D) is one of the strategies employers are leveraging to foster a greater sense of purpose, community and curiosity among their team members — all of which can boost employee engagement.

Why Invest in L&D Now?

LinkedIn Learning found that three of the top five reasons employees search for new jobs relate to their desire to learn, grow and develop new skills. Investing in L&D now is crucial to retain top talent and attract new candidates, especially those in up-and-coming generations who are hungry for growth.

In addition, successful L&D programs can help reduce skills gaps and drive operational excellence, which can positively impact your bottom line. Amid continued economic uncertainty, this is an extremely valuable byproduct of investing in learning and development.

How to Implement an Effective L&D Program

Traditional learning opportunities aren’t always compatible with a modern workforce. Most organizations today are made up of a mix of generationally and geographically dispersed employees, complicating the process of implementing an L&D program that will effectively serve all members of your team. A learning management system (LMS) offers solutions to this challenge.

What is a Learning Management System?

A learning management system is a software application or web-based technology employers can use to plan, design, implement and evaluate their L&D programs. They’re often used to store e-learning content and automate employee learning processes. LMSs can have basic functionality or be highly advanced technology that can gamify learning, advance social and mobile learning and use artificial intelligence.

Common functions of LMSs include:

  • Overseeing training and e-learning  
  • Storing, organizing and distributing educational courses  
  • Tracking individual progress  
  • Setting employee goals  
  • Identifying skills gaps and indicating individuals in need of additional support  

Looking for more information on Learning Management Systems? Click here to check out CBIZ's comprehensive LMS — Centrally HR Learning.

Benefits of Using Learning Management Systems

LMSs can help organizations evolve, accelerate growth and address talent shortages, and there are a variety of benefits associated with leveraging an LMS for your L&D program, including:

  • An LMS is a cost-effective and time-saving solution. With LMSs, employers don’t need to pay for travel, instructors, vendors or other materials (e.g., training manuals) associated with traditional learning and development opportunities, which can reduce total training costs. In addition, these systems allow employers to build and distribute comprehensive courses quickly. Courses can continually be reused and revised, and they automate much of the onboarding and learning process.  
  • LMSs promote a learning culture. Giving employees a tool for continual and self-driven learning can create a culture of growth and learning. LMSs also allow organizations to understand how effective their training programs are by measuring learning outcomes and connecting them to organizational performance.  
  • An LMS can help ensure compliance. Many organizations are required to provide employees with certain mandatory training (e.g., antiharassment, health and safety training). LMSs track and store information that proves employees completed and understood the required training. This can benefit employers in case of an audit or mistake.  
  • LMSs provide flexible learning. LMSs can easily be scaled up or down to meet the needs of a generationally and geographically dispersed organization. Employers may choose from a wide variety of learning formats, including videos, webinars and e-learning modules. Personalized learning paths can also be created to meet individual needs, providing employees with a custom learning experience. 

Employee L&D is a long-term investment that can contribute to organizational success by lowering turnover, reducing skills gaps and improving employee satisfaction. As organizations navigate the diverse needs of a modern workforce, a learning management system can help ensure that all employees have equal access to opportunities for growth.

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How to Enhance Employee Engagement with Learning Management Systems https://www.cbiz.com/Portals/0/Images/GettyImages-1367899893-1.jpg?ver=AF5aVrmEBUz6nJzfI3iHGA%3d%3dBy investing in learning management systems, employers can connect employees with learning and development (L&D) opportunities to boost internal engagement.2023-10-18T17:00:00-05:00Did you know that nearly three-quarters of the U.S. workforce are not engaged? These findings, uncovered in a recent survey conducted by Gallup, are prompting employers to look for innovative ways to engage their employees.NoneEmployee BenefitsYes