Lease Accounting Assistance Helps Infrastructure Company Successfully Implement and Manage ASC 842

Client Profile

Industry: Infrastructure
Entity Type: Corporation
Ownership Structure: Public
Geographic Footprint: U.S. & Europe
Annual Revenue: $25M


An infrastructure company with one-off agreements, foreign country leases, and variable lease arrangements wanted to take over its own ASC 842 accounting after using a provider for initial adoption. It also sought technical accounting support for lease arrangements that had interplay with ASC Topic 606.


Our Technical Accounting team evaluated the solution the infrastructure company had used for ASC 842 adoption and its lease portfolio to identify what the company needed for long-term compliance. We concluded that with its SEC disclosure requirements, variable and foreign country leases, and ASC 606 obligations, a new lease accounting system could handle its arrangements with less manual manipulation.

We also provided technical accounting memos for the leases that had to be analyzed and presented separately under ASC 606. Our team delved into the lease agreement economics and reasoning to support fair value determination and sublease accounting analysis.


With our support, the infrastructure company implemented a new lease system that, confirmed by our reviews of uploads and quarterly samples of reporting, could handle its complex lease accounting needs.

The company’s financial statement auditor also accepted the positions taken in the technical accounting memos for leases that had ASC 842 and ASC 606 implications.

Download our case study

*MHM (Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C.) is an independent CPA firm that provides audit, review and other attest services, and works closely with CBIZ, a business consulting, tax and financial services provider. 

Copyright © 2022, CBIZ, Inc. All rights reserved. 

Lease Accounting Assistance Helps Infrastructure Company Successfully Implement and Manage ASC 842 Technical Accounting to Make Your Reporting Easier2022-07-06T17:00:00-05:00TacklingTechnical Accounting to Make Your Reporting EasierPlanning & Tax MinimizationYes