Payroll Processing Time Reduced by 50%

Client Profile

Industry: Manufacturing & Architectural Design
Geographic Footprint: Midwest & West Coast
Annual Revenue: $8.5 million
Number of Employees: 200


A manufacturing and architectural design organization struggled with poorly tracked time, errors due to manual timesheet calculations, and employee absenteeism. The company needed a more accurate way to capture and track employee time.


The company implemented Centrally HR, an all-in-one cloud-based solution, for their workforce management needs. Along with implementing the Centrally HR platform, they switched out multiple clocks in their warehouse for a single, central clock with biometric capabilities and added the Web Punch app by CBIZ that seamlessly integrates with Centrally HR to consistently capture employee time. Employee absenteeism was also improved with employees now being able to request time off from their mobile devices.

Another deciding factor in choosing Centrally HR was its ability to handle complex payroll. What used to take their head of payroll six hours every other week now takes three hours thanks to system automation and implemented pay codes. With Centrally HR, timesheets can also be approved further in advance which has created a new level of efficiency.


With access to better time tracking tools for employees to clock in, switch cost centers, and request time off, the manufacturing and architectural design organization has seen dividends of improvement on time accuracy and cost savings. Employees are now empowered with simple self-service tools that they actually use, management has been given the power of data transparency for better business decisions, and leadership has seen immediate benefits by reducing overhead with less hardware and cutting payroll processing time in half.

  • Data Transparency
  • Cost Savings
  • Payroll Processing Time Reduced by 50%

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Payroll Processing Time Reduced by 50% with New Workforce Management Solution manufacturer saves countless hours by enhancing time tracking tactics.2022-02-11T17:00:00-05:00A manufacturer saves countless hours by enhancing time tracking tactics.Employee ManagementManufacturing & DistributionHRIS SolutionsPayroll ServicesNo