Episode 12: The Rising Cost of Insurance & Insurable Values

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Episode 12: The Rising Cost of Insurance & Insurable Values

Even before the pandemic and costly weather events in 2020, the insurance market was experiencing significant changes. A competitive pricing market is giving way to one where insurance rates may be increasing by upwards of 10%.

Guests Greg Cryan of the Property & Casualty Insurance team and Ron Acebal of our Tangible Asset Valuation team provide insights on what businesses can do to manage the hardening commercial insurance market. Highlights of the conversation include:

  • An overview of the insurance market and the industries/segments that may be most vulnerable to increased rates
  • The role quality insurable value data plays in property insurance rates and carrier options
  • Other important types of coverage to consider as part of your coverage


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Guest: Greg Cryan, President of Southwest Region, CBIZ Insurance Services

Greg has extensive experience in leading insurance agencies and serves as the Southeast Regional President for CBIZ.

Guest: Ron Acebal, National Director, CBIZ Valuation Group

Ron specializes in the development and implementation of property valuation solutions and developing long-term, cost-effective property valuation strategies.



Copyright © 2020, CBIZ, Inc. All rights reserved. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced without the express written consent of CBIZ. This publication is distributed with the understanding that CBIZ is not rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. The reader is advised to contact a tax professional prior to taking any action based upon this information. CBIZ assumes no liability whatsoever in connection with the use of this information and assumes no obligation to inform the reader of any changes in tax laws or other factors that could affect the information contained herein.

Episode 12: The Rising Cost of Insurance & Insurable Valueshttps://www.cbiz.com/Portals/0/Images/IP-AR-WhatsNextPodcast-Episode-1.jpg?ver=2020-12-06-124658-660The insurance market is seeing substantial insurance increases across the board. Greg Cryan of our Property & Casualty Insurance team and Ron Acebal of our tangible property valuation team share strategies for how businesses can manage rising rates.2020-12-14T18:00:00-05:00

The insurance market is seeing substantial insurance increases across the board. Greg Cryan of our Property & Casualty Insurance team and Ron Acebal of our tangible property valuation team share strategies for how businesses can manage rising rates.

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